Call 858-386-7406
Hello and welcome to East West Integrative Oncology. We’re an integrative medicine practice that specializes in the field of oncology and we’re passionate about helping those who are affected by cancer! We offer a variety of services that treat patients as whole beings, not just as patients with cancer.
Many people diagnosed with cancer are overwhelmed by their diagnosis, as well as their treatment. We're here to help!
Our specialty is incorporating safe, effective, evidence-based, natural therapies, into our patients' care plans. We treat patients as whole beings, addressing their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health; not just their disease.
For those who are newly diagnosed or who have been receiving conventional treatment, we work to minimize the side-effects of their treatment, improve their quality of life, and improve their overall prognosis. Once treatment is completed, we help transition them into the next stage of their journey. For some, that means moving into survivorship, where we help keep them healthy and reduce the risk of disease recurrence. For others it means providing support and comfort in conjunction with palliative or hospice care. We also provide care for patients who choose against or are not a candidate for conventional cancer treatment.
Functional medicine is an evidence-based approach to medicine that focuses on understanding the root cause of disease. It integrates the use of modern medicine practices, like speciality testing and labs, with natural medicine, to provide a balanced approach to treatment. By focusing on the root cause, functional medicine can often treat complex and multi-faceted diseases, and restore balance to one's entire being.
Nutrition is the very foundation of our health and well-being. What we put into our bodies plays a direct role in the way our cells, organs, and overall system functions. Proper nutrition plays a key role in healing almost any internal disorder and is critical for someone undergoing treatment for cancer. At East West Integrative Oncology, we take an evidence-based approach to nutrition. We evaluate blood chemistry and other biomarkers to customize a plan specific to the needs of each patient.
Natural and herbal medicine have been used for thousands of years to treat and prevent disease. Natural medicine, such as vitamins and supplements, can be used to address underlying deficiencies in the body. Herbal medicine focuses on treating imbalances within the body that are giving rise to disease. In combination, both can treat and prevent disease instead of just addressing signs and symptoms.
Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing practices in the world, and is probably the best known modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has been clinically proven to restore balance to the body, resolve disease, and prevent illness. Acupuncture can be used to treat cancer related pain and ease the side effects of conventional cancer treatment. Numerous clinical trials have proven that acupuncture is safe and effective for those undergoing cancer care.
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838 Nordahl Road, Suite 300, San Marcos, CA 92069
Phone: 858.386.7406 Fax: 858.252.0664 Email:
Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 11 :00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM